Sunday, December 3, 2006

Blog# 2: Best Night Time Driving Songs

**Writer's note: I wrote this a few days ago, and completely forgot to post now I do!**

I really love music. Being partially deaf with my left ear makes me truly appreciate the fact that there was the possibility that I may not have been able to experience music the way it is suppose to be: loud and enjoyed.

As I have talked to some of you before, there are a few songs that I have deemed “night time driving songs”. Basically these are songs that should be listened to and fully enjoyed only when driving when it is dark outside.

What makes a song a good night driving song? Well it is a little hard to describe. I think the first thing is musically. It has a good aura musically about it. The second would be the lyrics. Now to me for this list lyrics are not nearly as important as the mood or the setting that the music puts you in while listening to it.

The interesting part of making this list was the differences between the secular and non-secular songs. The secular songs were all about music, and the mood it set me in. The Christian songs made me think, and feel, and helped me contemplate my life and where it is right now.

Since the last shall be first, and the first shall be last, the Christian songs are in the last part of this list…

So, here is my list of Best driving songs, and they are not in any particular order.


“In the Air Tonight”- Phil Collins.
Come on, Phil is talking about a tragic mistake that was made many years ago. Every lyric is a stinging admission of pain that in his voice. Pain makes for a good song…that is why love songs hit home so hard.

“Well I remember, I remember, don't worry, how could I ever forget
It's the first time, the last time we ever met
But I know the reason why you keep your silence UP, oh no you don't fool me
Well the hurt doesn't show, but the pain still grows
It's no stranger to you and me” -Phil Collins

The music is so perfect from the killer drum solo in the middle of the song, to the synthesizer that is ongoing through out the whole song. Every time I flip the radio around late at night, and that song is on, I get goose bumps. When I listen to it during the same, it does not have near the same effect. Trust me on this.

“Two Step” and “Warehouse”- Dave Matthews Band

Both songs from Dave begin very similarly. An acoustic guitar strumming…but strumming where it gives you chills. Lyrics to DMB are not nearly as important as the music. Dave, LeRoi, Stephan, Carter, and Boyd are a complete package musically. Also listening to both of these songs live, bring an added plus, due to the crowd getting total involved to both songs. And finally, if you cannot get into Carter Buford’s drums and LeRoi Moore’s sax, then you do not like gifted musicians, heck you may not like music.

Why are both songs nighttime driving songs? Because of the moods they set while at night, and behind the wheel. Both give a mystery and feeling while you are at the wheel that will help wake you up, and get you to your destination easier.

“Soma”- Smashing Pumpkins
Starts off slow, ends with a force. Talks about the deep sleep which is a little eerie, and also makes the song that much cooler. Billy Corigan’s voice is at his finest in this song.

“Radio Free Europe”- REM
I first heard this song at 4:30AM. Fantastic song. Do not ask me what Michael Stipe is talking about…I have no clue, and I have listened to this song for over 15 years.

“Bittersweet Symphony”- The Verve
Violins, ah yes violins. Violins make for great night time driving. Also Richard Ashcroft’s vocal are very strong…although again do not ask about the lyrics…I have no clue. For those of you who do not know this song, it was played in the main portion of the Cruel Intentions that had Sarah Michelle Geller, Reese Witherspoon, and Ryan Phillipe in it.

For my Christian brothers and sister out there, here are a few that you can listen to that preach the gospel by their music and lyrics.

Christian Nighttime Driving Songs

“For the Moments I Feel Faint”-Reliant K
What can I say about this song that has not been said already. Phenomenally meaningful song, with extremely powerful lyrics. Basically at night, when it is at its most quiet to listen about “Can I be free from this unreleasable sin”, it makes you think…The words to this song are just flat out right on target, and not matter what time of day you listen to it, it will hit you hard.

“Show Me Your Glory”- Third Day
The starting instrumental of this song hooks you in. And again with the darkness surrounding you, you thoughts have to center to the One above. Might be Mac Powell’s best writing work to date.

“Piece of Glass”-Caedmon’s Call
“Can’t believe I did it again,” starts Danielle’s unbelievable voice. Again, another eerie song that hits every emotion you may have as a Christian. The topic discussed in this song truly hit home in a way I cannot described. I have almost cried to this song on one particular occasion.

“I Need You to Love Me”-Barlow Girl
The title says it all. I cannot tell you how many times I have had to cry this out. The words the three girls sing about in the song is the perfect anthem for anyone who has screwed up once again, and now is needing to turn to the only one that can help us out, our Father.

“Consume Me”-dc Talk
This is actually a hard song for me to listen to. Brutal song for someone like me who has struggled, questions, and wonders if they are being listened to by God. It is a constant plea for the Father to consume every part of my life, and turn it in to what He wants it to be. This is a struggle, but it is also a goal of mine.

So this is my list. If you have ITunes check some of the songs out…you may be glad you did.

Until next time…

Your Eternal Bud,


1 comment:

Brian Newton said...

Nice topic. It ain't tacos...but it will do. I would like to add a few of the songs i put in heavy rotation during the dim lit hours...

Sail To The Moon (Brush The Cobwebs Of The Sky)
By: Radiohead

By: Björk

By: The Cure

By: Muse

By: Sarah McLachlan

By: Chris Cornell

Such Great Heights
By: Iron & Wine

By: Sigur Rós

Ok...that is my list for now....if anyone reads the titles and downloads I hope you enjoy them as much as I have.