Sunday, April 27, 2008

Busy Week

First off, big thank you's to all of you for the emails, and messages through the blogs sites with the encouraging words, and bits of wisdom about my ongoing weight loss. Just to give all of you an update on where I am at: I have lost 12.4 pounds so far. Not too bad...wish it was more...but I will take what I can get.

Now, I want to talk to you about this week. It was a crazy week for me, and I almost did not make it. And now, i start a new week...sigh...luckily next weekend is a LOT slower. Yeah me.

Now, to this week. On Tuesday, I was invited by my friend Brian, and his lovely girlfriend Kris over for dinner. They showed me how to cook veggies better. I have an awful times eating veggies, and Kris (who is an awesome cook) showed me how to make tastier veggies. We also had a very nice time watching and grading the American Idols contestants. It was an awesome meeting.

On Wednesday, it started early. I originally had the day off, but got canceled out when a co-worker of mine got sick, and we needed someone to work the reports for my area. After the day was over with, I met up with my cousin and her fiance and saw the movie "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". It has 2 of my favorite new actors in it, Jason Segal and Kristin Bell. It was funny, but, it was one of those uncomfortable funny movies. It was also a very crude movie. So I so do not recommend the movie to any of my friends out there...

Thursday was trivia night, which went off with out a hitch, until the last question of the night with the whole game up for grabs. I was adament that I was right on the question, and my partner in trivia night said he was right in his...and we argued about it. We ended up after my calling out his manhood, going with my answer. And I ended up being wrong. And my trivia partner was right. I felt horrible, and my partner made sure I felt sucked!

Friday was bowling night...uneventful...but it was ok.

Saturday was the March of Dimes walk. If you still want to donate to March of Dimes, please check out this website:

Now for the was one of the hardest things I have ever done. I was told it was a 5K, but it ended up being a 5 mile walk. It was up hills,and bridges, and very tough. I ended up walking 2.5 miles of it. I felt great, until this morning. I was exhausted today, and had a hard time even moving. I still feel amazing. I am ready to walk more. I will keep you posted.

So that was my week...I weighed in too (see above). This week, I am going to concentrate on moving more.

Blessings to you all...I will be back soon with something more fun to write about.

Your Eternal Bud!

1 comment:

The Road Runner said...


Keep up the veggies and the walking! You'd be amazed at how far a little bit goes! (Can you imagine what even more does?)