Thursday, July 24, 2008

The World Needs Read About

As most if not all of you know, I am a bit of a pop culture guru. I am a fan of movies, music, comic books, and regular books. I know trivia about some of my favorite items in pop culture. I annoy my friends with random quotes from movies like Star Wars, Ghostbusters, and Caddyshack. I love my new comic book days, and I like it when new CDs come out. I was one of the people who hung out in line for the last Harry Potter book. So needless to say, that I am a child of pop culture.

There is one thing that is bothering me about the movie/book/comic book business as of late: the rise of the "anti-hero". This is a character that is willing to do anything to get to their primary objective. We have characters that steal things, so that they can "help" people. There are characters that hurt people to get information that they want. The same characters and others also kill people to "save" others. This is a disturbing trend. I do not like it. I do not like it one bit.

What ever happen to real hereos? What ever happen to heroes that people created that we could look up to? What happened in literature where it was said that in order to have a good story, we need to have a character be moody, and dark. What happened to the creation of heroes that were like Superman, truth, justice, and the americal way? What happened to Spider-Man and "With great power, comes great responsibility"? I want new heroes to believe in. I want to read a book, or see a movie and see a character that I can believe in. I want a hero to have a belief system of something I believe in. I want a hero that I feel good when I finish the story or movie, and not feel like I am rooting for the wrong team.

I know that the world we live in has real heroes now. The events of 9/11, the soldiers over in Iraq, the people who donated money, and time to help Tsunami victims, or helping to end hunger all over the world. Heroes are police officers, or fire fighters, that protect us on an every day basis. A hero is a missionary that goes where no other person wants to go to bring the gospel to a country where a government is determined to spit in Jesus' face. These are real heroes for real times. I am thankful to heroes like them. Because of them, I am able to be free, and be able to openly worship Jesus with out the fear of being persecuted. Heck, I am able to be free to read anything I want to. It is a blessing, I need to thank God more for.

I want the real heroes, but I also want the fictional ones. The fictional ones are the ones that sadly people know more about. We need these fictional heroes to help show the world that there is a light. We need fictional heroes to believe in.

The world need heroes, not villians dressed in a white hat.

It is late...not sure I am making sense anymore...going to bed.

Your Eternal Bud.

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