Now back to the question. I am doing better. Out of the funk that I am in. Feeling more confident...better than I was weeks ago. I am far from where I want to be, but I found a map, and I am trying to read it to get back where I need to be. So, much like what the Star Trek trailer said, I am "Under Construction". My life, my body everything is under construction.
Spiritual, I am doing better too. Conversations with God are becoming more frequent. Conversations about God are coming back to be a part of everyday life. It is nice to say that. God is not one to ever leave you...and trust me I tried. I am doing my best now to get back with feeling like I am keeping up with the bargain with out rlationship together.
Now back to the weight. I am a part of this small group called "Lose it For Life". It is done throun New Life Ministries which does the "Every Man's Battle" series. It is about tackling your weight issues with a spiritual apporach. Something I really never did before. I am still learning about the series, but expect to hear more from me about this.
One of the things I am going to do starting next week, is to write about my goals for the week. I have done a rough job so far of following through with some of my goals. So I figure if I write about them, it will make them more concrete to me. Make sense?
Here are some of the things, I have learned so far:
- The problem is physical, the cause is menatl, the solution is spiritual.
- There is a stubborn resistance that is causing me to stay overweight. I need to figure out what it is.
- By staying connect with people in a deep, rich way, it will help me to get better faster. This part is so true, because I notice when I am at my lowest, and not working on this, is when I make myself the most isolated.
- That hunger is great diversion from actually being in the moment.
- You cannot heal, until you let someone see the wound, and help you out. By blogging, I will be showing all of you my wounds.
- The goal is not to lose weight, but to keep the weight off.
- There is healing in openness.
- Part of healing is the dying of oneself.
- The way that we hurt ourselves is by deciding that we are the only ones in the world making mistakes, when that is simply not the case.
- Do not multi-task. Do not eat, and do something else. It will cause you to not enjoy the meal process, and make you eat faster, or eat in an unhealthy way.
- The three C's of losing weight: connection, community, and councel.
So that is where I am at right now. I am trying to place all of the things I have learned so far in my life. Not much progress yet, but I feel it is coming.
This is where I am at. Your comments are so appreciated. It is nice to see my old friends tell me what is going on with them an cheering me on. Thanks for commenting! Please keep them coming.
PS...second place in trivia this week. Next week, we go for first!
I can spell mental...see!
You cannot heal, until you let someone see the wound, and help you out.
that struck a chord with me. don't we usually try to solve problems on our own and rarely let other people see our wounds? it takes a step of humility to open up and let others help. i too am learning that lesson (just read my blog!)its definatly a process, and one that is much easier with Him in our life,eh?! :)
Dangit, I can't spell "mental" either!
Seriously, though. I'd say most of those "lessons" apply to everyone. Especially the connecting to others.
Dude, we're all making mistakes. I've got some big ones of my own that I'm dealing with. I thank God I've got Lani by my side - though I'm sorry she has to deal with it, too.
I guess it's almost inspiring to say that we've both suffered from "heart problems." I'm right there with you in my own way.
Now for that conversation with God...
you go, mr. hollister. thanks for sharing your STUFF. hey - i still need you to email me your home email addy. all i can find is the eternal one and i am thinking thats the one you told me you don't use anymore.
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