Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Week in Review Ending 05/28/07

Best Movie I Saw this Week: “Shrek 2” After seeing “Shrek the Third” I decided to watch the far better prior sequel. Funny through out the whole movie, and made you see what was missing from the third one.

Also saw: “The Lost Room”- a great miniseries that Sci-Fi Network did. Very well done, and if you can find it, worth the watch. Keeps you wondering until the end. Also watched “Return of the Jedi”, “Maverick” and “The Princess Bride”.

Best TV of the Week: “Veronica Mars” series finale. Proved why it was the best TV show on TV. Great mystery, great acting, and fantastic story. The only thing that stinks is that it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, and there will be no answer. Sigh.

Best of the Rest TV: Nothing really to write home about. It all equally stunk, except for a great repeat of the “Scrubs” musical episode. It showed why it is the best comedy on NBC. I really want to start getting it on DVD.

Best Music this Week: Rediscovered Burlap to Cashmere, and their first album. It is ashamed that they did not make another album. An amazing first effort, and musically one of the best albums I have ever heard.

Best Book: Finished reading “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”. Began reading “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, which is my favorite of all of the books. However the reading of the week belongs to John Elderidge’s “Way of the Wild at Heart”. This book speaks of how to make men better, and men better fathers. This book will be a gift to male friends all over the place…it is just amazing. Thanks to Elizabeth for getting the book for me.


Last Monday, my volleyball team lost in the second round (our first game) in the Christ Church volleyball league. I was very bummed out. We are better than we played. That is what hurts. I picked a horrible time to play one of my worst games. Sigh!

I went this weekend to NC to attend the final memorial for my grandmother who passed away in January. I was asked to speak by my Uncle, and agreed to. It ended up being a 100 times harder than I thought it would be. The graveyard gave me a lot of finality that I guess I was not ready for. Also seeing her urn was tough. Everyone said I did OK at the speech…I hope I did…but only God knows.

I really want to move to NC. This weekend proved it. I want to go back as soon as possible. I really loved it from the scenery to the temperature to the serene feeling I had there. I make plans so quickly…and never follow through…but I really want to follow through on this one.

So that is that for now…sorry it took a few extra days to write this…will be in Orlando this weekend for Paul’s bachelor weekend. Exciting stuff…will be writing more about it next week. Until then, I am Your Eternal Bud!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Courtesy We Don't Need No Stinking Courtesy

Where is the courtesy?

After seeing Shrek the Third last night, I got in to a discussion with the friends I was with about a couple of families that brought their young kids to the show.

The conversation started with that the kids were not that bad in the movie. We knew there would be a lot of kids in the movie…come on it was a cartoon movie and a Shrek movie at that. But the thing is, does that mean that children under the age of three should be at the movie? Should they be at a movie in a prime time slot that a lot of people will be there? Should they be there when there is a full theater of people who paid at least $7.50 for a movie and at most $9.00?

Now I am not saying that kids should not be able to go. That is not fair, and that will be something a parent will remember: a child seeing their first movie. Seeing their eyes get wide, when the screen turns on, or looks backwards when the stereo system brings a sound behind them? I get that. I understand that. But why not take them to a movie when it is in the afternoon, in the middle of the week, when not as many and if any people are there. Or take them in a few weeks when the movie is not as popular. I am a supporter of kids. I personal cannot wait to have one! (Or make one for that matterJ) But when I do have kid(s), I understand that there are other people out there besides me, and that I will have to be denied some things when I have them. It is a part of the joys of parenthood. Understanding that your child is going to hoop and holler at times during a movie (that is what they do). And they should be able to do that. They do not understand that they have to be quiet…and it is not fair to them to try to get them to stay quiet. Rent a movie!

It is just a lack of courtesy that is going on in this world right now. It is the not so friendly finger that goes up when you are driving and make a mistake…or when someone pulls in front of you, and then slows down. It is when you let someone in the lane you are in, and they do not wave.

It is the person that stays on their cell phone when they are checking out at the grocery store instead of actually speaking with the clerk. Honestly, is the cell phone one of the most convenient, and yet rude inventions ever made? It is so great, because you can be reached just about anywhere. It allows you to be able to leave home, and run errands and not have to wait at home for a call. But also, on the dark side, when people are hanging out, and a cell phone rings, the person will get on the phone and talk with the person about nothing at all. Not anything important, just a checking in call. Where is the courtesy in that?

When do we stand up and say, I am going to think of someone else this time? I am going to think not to talk on the phone when I am with my pal that took the time to see me. I am going to wave to others to say thank you when they let me in. I am going to treat people like I want to be treated. I am going to look at people with Jesus’ eyes…that is it though? Not everyone believes, not everyone knows. That is where the courtesy is…it is taken away from the cross. The cross is where courtesy, love, and respect starts. It is when we look away from the cross that it ends. And I am to blame just like everyone else could be.

I will do my best to look to the cross. Is anyone else with me? I will keep you all updated on my progress.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Week In Review ending 05/19/07

I sit here at my computer with Empire Strikes Back in the background, and I start to think about the week at hand. I was thinking that maybe telling everyone out there about the highlights might be something you out there in cyberspace want to read about…and if not ignore it and wait for my next posting…

The Week in Review

Best Movie I Saw this Week: “Good Will Hunting” This movie was on regular TV today, and I just sat back and enjoyed it without the bad words. And you know something, it still works. The bad words were never needed. The movie is well done from the fine script to the great acting. Robin Williams, won the Supporting Actor Oscar that year, his only one. A young Matt Damon and Ben Afflack won the Best Original Screenplay Oscars as well. If it was not for a little movie called “Titanic”, it probably would have won Best Film. I think it should have…
Also saw: “Shrek the Third” and the aforementioned “Empire Strikes Back”

Best on TV: Gilmore Girls series finale. Well done in every way. They closed the book in style. It reminded me of the old writing that was not there this season. It was a nice send off to a good show.
Also good: “How I Met Your Mother”, “Smallville” was fantastic, “Grey’s Anatomy” and “24”.

This Week in Music: Nothing really notable to discuss. No new albums bought or borrowed. Will try to do better next week.

What I Read: Rereading “Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets”. Nothing Biblically, and that saddens me to have to admit that. I will remedy that by next week’s post.


On Monday, my volleyball team Catch, Carry, Throw won our second game in a row, moving us up to the second seed in our league, which means we get a bye in the first round of the tournament on this Monday.

My friends Amanda and David gave birth to a beautiful little girl, Rebecca Lee on Monday. She and mom are healthy, and the baby’s measurements are 7.4 pounds and 20.5 inches.

On Thursday went to doctor. Everything is good. Just the wait to see the doctor was bad.
Was given my first big assignment this week under my new boss. It was due on Friday, and I think it went really well. I was tired at the end of the week…but happy.

Nothing new on the weight front…will keep you posted when I start working on it again.
Head doctors…got to love them. Sigh.

Nothing new on a relationship front. Going to start a single’s class in a few weeks when I am done traveling the next few weekends.

Memorial Day weekend, I am going to NC with my Uncle, Aunt, and cousin. Doing a memorial service for my Grandmother up there. Mom and Zan will go up later this year to do their own.

First weekend in June is my friend Paul’s bachelor weekend…so going to Orlando to play some golf. It should be fun.

Weekend after that, I just got invited back to the big O (Orlando) to attend my friend Mel Mel’s send off to Brazil. I am hoping to be there…will be a money decision. I want to be there.

Family is doing well. Dad advised to us, that he is in need of possible knee surgery. Will be waiting to hear more.

I think that is all for now…until next time…peace out and Word Yo!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Thoughts in a Blender

Trying to not have to do is almost 11:00, and I need to do laundry to have work clothes...and I do not want to do I will blog away.

Why do you park in a drive way, and drive on a park way?
Why is the last thing you see in an airport the word terminal?

Why is addiction so difficult? I have been battling addiction for the better part of 20 years, and I still cannot beat it...even if I know how to beat is like a blanket...something to come back uncomfortable as it is still comfortable.

Which is a better trilogy? Back to the Future or Lord of the Rings?

What is your favorite Billy Joel song? I am really discovering "New York State of Mind" again.

A lot of babies have been born that are from people I know in the last couple of weeks...I guess April and May are good birth months.

I love the Direct TV commercials that are the parodies of movies with the same people that stared in the movies...good stuff!

I want football season to start tomorrow...I miss seeing Urban Meyer, and his perfectly brushed hair...I really want someone to mess it up this year.

I really want to be in a committed relationship right now...but I really need to be happy with myself first...I am working on it.

I have been trying to remember what was the last VCR tape I bought...and I cannot think of it.

You know what I miss? Jello Pudding Pops...those things were great!

Why is it when people think of the Flintstones today? From a cereal and not a classic cartoon? And no one remembers that the Flintstones was created off of The Honeymooners.

The fires are awful right now. We all need to pray for rain.

On Veronica Mars tonight, they talked about an organization called "Invisible Children"...I want to learn more.

That is all for back soon.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I May Never Watch CBS Again

To continue my TV theme...and this should be my last TV posting...or at least for a while.

The best comedy on TV is "How I Met Your Mother" (HIMYM). It is funny, and Neil Patrick Harris steals every scene he is in. Doogie kicks it. Tonight's episode was fantastic...funny, sad, happy...all the emotions you need for a good show. It is so much fun. I have not seen a bad episode yet. To me it is "Friends" in its prime. The cast have a very good is jsut fun...for a half hour, i forget the world...that is the power of good TV.

But tonight might be HIMYM's last show, because CBS might be too dumb to keep it. And it will be a complete shame. If the show is cancelled, I will not watch any more shows (except sports) on CBS. I will keep this sacred oath if it gets cancelled I promise!

I am tired of all my shows getting the boot! I may only have Smallville to watch next year...and 24 when it comes back on.


On another note...thanks for everyone and your comments...even you Eric (dork!)...I hope to keep reading them. It was nice to see Karisse make a comment...sorry it took so long for me to write back.

OK, next blog will not be about TV...I am not sure what it will be about...but it might be Movies, Music, G to the O to the D (GOD) "Oh My Dad!"...we will see.

Peace out and word to all of you.

I May Never Watch CBS Again

To continue my TV theme...and this should be my last TV posting...or at least for a while.

The best comedy on TV is "How I Met Your Mother" (HIMYM). It is funny, and Neil Patrick Harris steals every scene he is in. Doogie kicks it. Tonight's episode was fantastic...funny, sad, happy...all the emotions you need for a good show. It is so much fun. I have not seen a bad episode yet. To me it is "Friends" in its prime. The cast have a very good is jsut fun...for a half hour, i forget the world...that is the power of good TV.

But tonight might be HIMYM's last show, because CBS might be too dumb to keep it. And it will be a complete shame. If the show is cancelled, I will not watch any more shows (except sports) on CBS. I will keep this sacred oath if it gets cancelled I promise!

I am tired of all my shows getting the boot! I may only have Smallville to watch next year...and 24 when it comes back on.


On another note...thanks for everyone and your comments...even you Eric (dork!)...I hope to keep reading them. It was nice to see Karisse make a comment...sorry it took so long for me to write back.

OK, next blog will not be about TV...I am not sure what it will be about...but it might be Movies, Music, G to the O to the D (GOD) "Oh My Dad!"...we will see.

Peace out and word to all of you.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I Take a Lot of Crap For This

I like Gilmore Girls. I am a guy, and I am not gay, and I like Gilmore Girls. I receive a lot of grief from my friends about this fact. The show cracks me up. I am in love with Lauren Graham...

I like the writing a lot. It is one of the smartest written shows I have ever seen. Very similar to West Wing, where it makes you laugh, think, and enjoy the characters that were created.

Amy Sherman Pallentono is brillant...she has a new show coming on Fox next year, and even though Parker Posey is in it (she was in Superman Returns, and I do not like her as an actress), I am still going to watch.

Did I mention Lauren Graham? She will be in Evan Almighty later this year...and I would go to that movie just for her alone...

I will miss the show. There is not a lot of shows out there that I like anymore. I watch some shows just to fight boredom...but I think next year will bring me reading a lot more. I am hoping Veronica Mars (VM) will make it to another is truly the best show on TV right now. VM is a combination of West Wing and Gilmore is a heck of a mystery show...but it will probably be gone soon...because all good shows get cancelled.

Good bye Girls, this man will miss you.

So enjoy your TV next year...I will be reading.