Where is the courtesy?
After seeing Shrek the Third last night, I got in to a discussion with the friends I was with about a couple of families that brought their young kids to the show.
The conversation started with that the kids were not that bad in the movie. We knew there would be a lot of kids in the movie…come on it was a cartoon movie and a Shrek movie at that. But the thing is, does that mean that children under the age of three should be at the movie? Should they be at a movie in a prime time slot that a lot of people will be there? Should they be there when there is a full theater of people who paid at least $7.50 for a movie and at most $9.00?
Now I am not saying that kids should not be able to go. That is not fair, and that will be something a parent will remember: a child seeing their first movie. Seeing their eyes get wide, when the screen turns on, or looks backwards when the stereo system brings a sound behind them? I get that. I understand that. But why not take them to a movie when it is in the afternoon, in the middle of the week, when not as many and if any people are there. Or take them in a few weeks when the movie is not as popular. I am a supporter of kids. I personal cannot wait to have one! (Or make one for that matterJ) But when I do have kid(s), I understand that there are other people out there besides me, and that I will have to be denied some things when I have them. It is a part of the joys of parenthood. Understanding that your child is going to hoop and holler at times during a movie (that is what they do). And they should be able to do that. They do not understand that they have to be quiet…and it is not fair to them to try to get them to stay quiet. Rent a movie!
It is just a lack of courtesy that is going on in this world right now. It is the not so friendly finger that goes up when you are driving and make a mistake…or when someone pulls in front of you, and then slows down. It is when you let someone in the lane you are in, and they do not wave.
It is the person that stays on their cell phone when they are checking out at the grocery store instead of actually speaking with the clerk. Honestly, is the cell phone one of the most convenient, and yet rude inventions ever made? It is so great, because you can be reached just about anywhere. It allows you to be able to leave home, and run errands and not have to wait at home for a call. But also, on the dark side, when people are hanging out, and a cell phone rings, the person will get on the phone and talk with the person about nothing at all. Not anything important, just a checking in call. Where is the courtesy in that?
When do we stand up and say, I am going to think of someone else this time? I am going to think not to talk on the phone when I am with my pal that took the time to see me. I am going to wave to others to say thank you when they let me in. I am going to treat people like I want to be treated. I am going to look at people with Jesus’ eyes…that is it though? Not everyone believes, not everyone knows. That is where the courtesy is…it is taken away from the cross. The cross is where courtesy, love, and respect starts. It is when we look away from the cross that it ends. And I am to blame just like everyone else could be.
I will do my best to look to the cross. Is anyone else with me? I will keep you all updated on my progress.
1 comment:
Oh, it's so easy to say what we would do when we "have" kids...but who knows what we will actually really do...maybe the parents cant get to the movie during the day...maybe the older kids really wanted to see it and there was no other childcare. Who knows...they too paid the same amount of money as you. Try to be positive...now if they had a chatty three year old and the cell phone was going off then you can be frustrated :)...it's a kids movie...if it was an adult movie with three year olds, I would then say there was a lack of courtesy... :)
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