Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The Week in Review Ending 05/28/07

Best Movie I Saw this Week: “Shrek 2” After seeing “Shrek the Third” I decided to watch the far better prior sequel. Funny through out the whole movie, and made you see what was missing from the third one.

Also saw: “The Lost Room”- a great miniseries that Sci-Fi Network did. Very well done, and if you can find it, worth the watch. Keeps you wondering until the end. Also watched “Return of the Jedi”, “Maverick” and “The Princess Bride”.

Best TV of the Week: “Veronica Mars” series finale. Proved why it was the best TV show on TV. Great mystery, great acting, and fantastic story. The only thing that stinks is that it ended on a bit of a cliffhanger, and there will be no answer. Sigh.

Best of the Rest TV: Nothing really to write home about. It all equally stunk, except for a great repeat of the “Scrubs” musical episode. It showed why it is the best comedy on NBC. I really want to start getting it on DVD.

Best Music this Week: Rediscovered Burlap to Cashmere, and their first album. It is ashamed that they did not make another album. An amazing first effort, and musically one of the best albums I have ever heard.

Best Book: Finished reading “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”. Began reading “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban”, which is my favorite of all of the books. However the reading of the week belongs to John Elderidge’s “Way of the Wild at Heart”. This book speaks of how to make men better, and men better fathers. This book will be a gift to male friends all over the place…it is just amazing. Thanks to Elizabeth for getting the book for me.


Last Monday, my volleyball team lost in the second round (our first game) in the Christ Church volleyball league. I was very bummed out. We are better than we played. That is what hurts. I picked a horrible time to play one of my worst games. Sigh!

I went this weekend to NC to attend the final memorial for my grandmother who passed away in January. I was asked to speak by my Uncle, and agreed to. It ended up being a 100 times harder than I thought it would be. The graveyard gave me a lot of finality that I guess I was not ready for. Also seeing her urn was tough. Everyone said I did OK at the speech…I hope I did…but only God knows.

I really want to move to NC. This weekend proved it. I want to go back as soon as possible. I really loved it from the scenery to the temperature to the serene feeling I had there. I make plans so quickly…and never follow through…but I really want to follow through on this one.

So that is that for now…sorry it took a few extra days to write this…will be in Orlando this weekend for Paul’s bachelor weekend. Exciting stuff…will be writing more about it next week. Until then, I am Your Eternal Bud!

1 comment:

kd said...

I love NC too, but it is way expensive to live in. Personal income tax (FL doesn't have), high property tax (including your car) and just car stuff in general, yearly stuff. I do miss it - don't get me wrong.