Yep, the title says it all. That pretty much sums up my week. So how do the three items go together? Well, I guess you will have to read about it.
Connection, or staying connected. It is funny, but I realized when I am at my lowest, about how I feel about myself, or in my head the most, it is because I am a bit of a loner. I stay away from people, I stay away from friends. I lose that connection. I want to push away so that I can feel unloved, and continue to dump on myself. It is amazing...I purposely torture myself, so that I can feel unloved. Devil is fun that way. How he plants little thoughts in our heads, and we just run with them.
I need that connection. I crave it. I am a social person. I am at my happiest when I am with people. Saturday and tonight (Thursday) proved that to me. On Saturday, it was one of the busiest days, that I have had in a long while. I first did the small group I was telling you about. It was amazing. I met some great people, who seemed to generally care about me. It was a marvelous small group, and one I hope to share more. Later, I had my fantasy football end of the season wrap up. Just ahnging out with the guys talking about football. It was amazing. So much fun, and so much sports. Then it was off to my old church St. George's where I was my friend Patricia's wing man for a party for a trip to Cuba. And trust me when I say, no one parties like St. George's does. Good spirits, great food, and good music where found everywhere. It was a blast. I also had a change to reconnect with some old friends...that was nice. Then after the party, the night was not was on to my friend Kel and Sarah's to watch my beloved Jaguars fight the good fight, but lose to the Patriots...the Jags did do well. But relaxing, and laughing was a nice way to end that busy day. I went home satisfied. Feeling very connected.
That connection, has lasted almost the whole week. Tonight, i received a call from my friends Jonathan and Edith inviting me up to a sports bar to play trivia. I accepted, and had a blast. A lot of fun, and laughs! We even tied for first...although we ended up in third based off a botched tie breaker. But it was what the doctor ordered. I am continuing to feel that connection to people. That connection is what is going to help me get back to places I need to be with my weight, and with my relationships. Especially with God!
Now, you have heard the first on to the final one, the iPod. As all of you know, i love my iPod. But, I had issues with my lovely iPod over the course of the past week. That is why I have not blogged. I have been fighting with the iPod so much, I did not want to type. Well tonight, I completed the iPod mission. I have now successfully moved all my songs, to my new computer! Yes! It only took a week, but it is done. So now, no more excuses not to blog.
So this is where I am at now. I will be back soon, to continue to tell you the progress of my life.
Hope each of you that read this, will stop in on my life sometime and say Hi. I will be happy you did.
Until then, I am Your Eternal Bud!
Speaking of connection, it's been a long time, O bearer of my name. You're not alone. The friends who've known me the longest say I "fall off the face of the earth." It's a miracle Lani recognizes me when I come home from work!
Man, we all need that connection. I lose myself at work or when I go riding. But I really need to be around other people - especially Christians - to feel rooted and connected again. It's kinda hard to be a Christian in a vacuum, no?
So, how'd the small group go?
Hey Buddy, I have not heard from you in way too long. I hope you and your beautiful wife are well!
The small group went very well...more details will come soon, I promise.
hey friend, thanks for the update!! it was most lovely having dinner with you the other night!!! :) thanks for taking my husband to the movies and getting him out of the house ;) (wink wink!)
Yeah, def too long.
Glad to hear 'bout the small group. My work schedule is loooong and I frequently (now) miss our small group. Something I hope to change...
Lani is doing very well. If you've not heard, she's pregnant with our first! (Well, I hope it's ours!!!
Her blog is at
I know she'd love to hear from you!
Thanks for the comments Laura and Chris...I do appreciate them.
Chris, glad to hear about Lani...congats! That is fantastic news. I will take a look at her blog.
Connection with the people is one of the best way to avoid loneliness. So it is better to connect with people, Trivia and ipod. All of them will help to refresh our mind.
Trivia Game Challenge
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